Saturday, November 01, 2008

Youth Group

On the last Friday of every month we have what is called TCK night. TCK stands for Third Culture Kid. All ex-pat kids in Kigali from 7th to 12th grade are invited to attend. It's kind of like a youth group, but instead of being sponsored by a church, it is sponsored by a group of missionaries who see the importance of making a place for these kids to gather in order that they might form deeper friendships and see what God might have to say to them in the very different context they are living in. These youth come from a variety of places: USA, Canada, South Africa and Belgium, just to name a few. However, they all have the common experience of living in a culture that they don't quite fit into while at the same time not quite fitting into their country of origin's culture either.

TCK night is a mixture of games, food, and devotional time. There are usually around 25 kids in attendance and 5-7 adults who help out. It was begun by Kent Smith, a parent of students in the school where I teach. Since I arrived in Rwanda I've been able to help organize and lead the monthly TCK nights. It's been great to get to know some of the many TCK's in Kigali.


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