Sunday, December 21, 2008

Thanksgiving and Christmas Programs

For Thanksgiving all of the students cut out pictures of things they were thankful for and put them together into one of the letters of the word "thankful". Then each one wrote a short paragraph about what they were thankful for. We presented this collage along with Thanksgiving stories and memory verses for parents' day. One of my students who has struggled with stage fright was finally able to read his whole story in front of an audience without breaking down in tears. I'm very grateful for such wonderful students and supportive parents. The next day, Thursday, we all enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving feast at the Bennett's house. Included in the meal were three turkeys they'd raised themselves, (close to) pumpkin pie, cheese cake, mashed potatoes, and just about all the possible trimmings that you would have in the states. The only thing I missed were the black olives; you can't get those here.

Usually the Christmas program has been Michelle's responsibility. Without her here, I wasn't sure what I would do, but then one of the parents, Barb Bennett, volunteered to teach music and organize the program. She's done an amazing job teaching Megan and Gwen guitar, Alandra recorder, Aren soprano sax, and Melissa and Hugh trumpet. She is also an accomplished voice teacher and the students sang three great songs with solos by several of the students. Unfortunately Hugh had already headed to the UK with his parents for Christmas break so he is pictured here. The next evening we gathered with many other ex-pats for a caroling time and sharing of Christmas goodies. Altogether it was a great way to end the school year and begin the Christmas break.


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